All settings for external MIDI keyboards can be configured in Music
Ace 2 by choosing Preferences from the Main Menu (the amphitheater
screen). To configure MIDI output, press "MIDI Output Driver," and to
configure MIDI input, press "MIDI Input Driver."
Choosing a MIDI Input Driver
If you are using a MIDI keyboard for MIDI output and MIDI input, then
we suggest choosing the same option for MIDI input as you used for
MIDI output.
- QuickTimeĆ Music: By choosing this option, you are telling
Music Ace 2 to look in QuickTime Settings (which is in your
control panel) and use what is configured there. You can
specify the MIDI information to be generated by your computer
or by an external MIDI keyboard.
- Open Music System (OMS): If you have OMS installed and you
wish to use an external MIDI keyboard, then choose this option.
NOTE: If the OMS option is not available to you, that means
that OMS has not yet been installed onto your system.
- MIDI Manager: If you have a MIDI keyboard connected through
your Modem port, this will be the simplest option for you to
use, for it assumes that you are using the Modem port to
route MIDI information. If you are using the printer port,
you should use either OMS or QuickTimeĆ Music for MIDI input.
- None (MIDI input is disabled)
Digitized Sound Quality on the Macintosh (PowerMac and above only)
Special sound effects and Maestro Max's voice are examples of
digitized sound. Music Ace 2 gives you the opportunity to select the
quality of these sounds. This can be configured in Music Ace 2 by
clicking "Preferences" and then clicking "Digitized Sound." You will
be presented with two options: 8-bit audio and 16-bit audio.The 16-bit
option yields better quality, but might hinder the performance of
Music Ace 2. The 8-bit option will result in lower quality sound, but
will yield better performance of Music Ace 2. You can experiment with
this option to see which one works better for you.